Bell's 'Winter White Ale' - NOLA Icepocalypse Edition

There’s nothing quite like the sound of snow crunching underfoot. You get less traction when you walk in the snow. Each step is labored - each breath sharp, and cold. The air stings your face, and with each hiss of the wind your take a sharp breath inward to brace against the frigid air. Every minute or so a birch branch snaps under the weight of snow and crashes to the ground in a lonely spectacle. In winter everything is is heavier - and in a way much lighter.

Now that the label has been over-exaggerated it's time to open.

 It's a bit hazy, without a huge head, and not hyperactive in the glass. This usually is a sign of good things to come.

The nose is very light. Grassy, with a bit of mint and pine it dissipates fast into the hefeweizen - esque layers..

Now for the tasting notes... done poorly and without much information per the usual.

Orange. Clove. Banana. In that order.

Also, I don't know if you've ever chewed on a clove before, but its terrible and fantastic at the same time. It acts as a kind of local anesthetic rendering the part of the mouth you chewed it with kind of numb. The unfortunate side effect is that you definitely need to drink something sweet like orange juice or Coke so that the mistake of eating a clove can be washed away.

TBH bravo Bell's...

I would put this solidly in the top 5 beers I've had this year that aren't a mosh pit of hops and flailing arms.

Another one would be the "All of the Things IPA" from Mr. Nicholas Anzalone at Gordon Biersch here in New Orleans. Maybe I'll do a TTN there soon 

Innnnnnnn conclusion: This is a very solid beer from a very solid brewery. I think to taste it on a night like tonight is the best walk through the woods an armchair outdoorsman in New Orleans could ever hope for.

Once again thanks for your patronage and support, and if you have any requests - or - feel like sending me some beer to review hit me up on here. Cheers! - HK
